
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Risks and Exposure
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
As a young lad growing up in South Dublin, I received certain geography lessons on where I could, or could not, safely roam. In particular, I was warned not to stray north of O’Connell Street. I remember debating my mother on the issue, once when I wanted to go to a movie at a theatre near Parnell Square. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but I probably claimed that bad things didn’t happen on the North Side quite as frequently as South Side mothers thought they did. But my mother held her ground on this occasion…someone might or might not get beaten up in Parnell Square that afternoon. But if her son wasn’t there, it wouldn’t be him.
After almost every speech, someone asks me about risks – what keeps me up at night. And today, with a soft-landing economy and the stock market near record highs, it does seem like a good time to review risks. But it’s important to recognize the most obvious point about market risk. The risk to you, as an investor, isn’t simply the danger of some negative event – it is the product of the probability of that event and your exposure to it. How you are positioned says a great deal about how worried you should be about any risk.